
Showing posts from May, 2019

Trying out surrealism...

Trying out surrealism... EVALUATION: How does your film conform to the conventions of the film movement you chose? The film movement i chose was surrealism, the conventions of surrealism are an unconventional narrative, juxtaposition for disturbing effect, minimal characterisation and the stimulus is normally dreams and desires. Firstly i decided to have an unconventional narrative, i did this through editing. I made sure there was very little to no continuity to enhance the effect of the lack of narrative. I could have possibly made it even more of a uncanny narrative by introducing different props and ideas. Instead of  having normal mundane food in the picnic basket there could have been a dead bird or I could have include more dubious shots such as a random pig on a bed  however i thought with the shot of the boy on the picnic blanket being the same in the beginning of the film as in the ending it would reflect a dream like interpretation as it is almost like the

Pride Vlog


Kuleshov effect

Kuleshov effect 

Surrealism video

Surrealism video 

Practical Mid Point

PRACTICAL MID-POINT For the practical part of my practical part of my mid point i was given the scenario of making, serving and eating dinner as a family in the style of Edgar wright. I researched Edgar Wright as an Auteur and i found that some of the main things he does throughout his films are: - Action to music - Shot reverse shot - Pan transition - Short and sharp shot lengths As a result of casting issues i decide to interpret the scenario in my on way which is apparent in my sequence, i included action to music and short shot lengths within the sequence to try an incorporate Edgar wrights style into my work.

Cuts And Transitions

Cuts And Transitions As a class we watched a YouTube video on cuts and transitions, we then used what we learnt and tried to create some of the different cuts and transitions. In my group we used match on action and whip pan.

Bus Stop Montage

Bus Stop Montage We were given a task to create a montage with the given stimulus of waiting for a bus at a bus stop. Our inspiration came from the rocky and Up montage.

Experimenting With Different Camera Angles And Shots

Experimenting With Different Camera Angles And Shots

Group task - Audition footage

Audition Footage 

Group Task - Pre Production

Pre Production  Genre Our group decided on a horror themed film opening, as it is the most likely to get the most views on Youtube, It is also most recognisable film genre in a short amount of viewing time, and is the most memorable genre for viewers. Final Idea Our final idea is a Blair-witch, unfriended style shaky cam film opening, focusing mainly on suspense and the viewers own expectations of what the evil in this scene may be. It will star a group of young teens out in a location at night while they are stalked and chased by an unknown enemy.

Group task - Creating Character

Creating Character  Jessica Jessica is the popular member of the group, and comes across as very proper. She is likeable and holds an influence over the rest of the group. Billie Billie is the comic relief of the group and is quite edgy. She is quite excitable and sometimes over-exaggerates her expressions. Tessa Tessa is Sophia's older sister and is not as cool as the rest of the group. She is trying to seen as older by the others. She gets quite worried about her sister. Emma Emma is the clever, geeky person of the group. She is shown to be the sensible member of the group and is far more serious than the others. Sophia Sophia is Tessa's younger sister. She follows her sister in going out but turns up at the wrong cemetery. She is shown to be quite innocent, especially compared to the others. She doesn't necessarily recognise the dangers around her.

Group Task - Final Ideas

Group Task - Final Ideas Final Script  Tessa:  When are the others getting here? Billie:  I’m not sure but wasn’t your sister meant to meet us here first? Tessa:  I’ll ring her. Tessa rings Sophia Tessa:  Where are you? Sophia:  I’m at the graveyard The others walk over whilst the call is taking place and are whispering in the background Billie:  Well you’re not Emma:  Are you sure? Sophia:  Yes! I’m pretty sure I can see you guys Jessica:  well obviously she’s gone to the wrong one Sophia:  I know you guys are pranking me, I can see you Tessa:  We’re not pranking you, we’ll come and find you Sophia drops her phone, the others panic Tessa:  Sophia? We wrote this script to give an idea as to what the scene would entail, however if we needed to change certain parts or add in things, we did so in order for the script to work with all the other aspects of the scene. Such as: setting and characters.   Lighting ideas

Group Task - Initial ideas

Group Task - Initial ideas Lighting ideas  For the lighting part of our short film we wanted to use mostly artificial lighting. This helps create an unsettling atmosphere. We wanted to do this through : o Uplighting o Silhouette o Spotlighting o Underexposure o Harsh light (hard light, chiaroscuro) o Prominent and projected shadows o Shooting through objects (internal frames) o Shooting through elements o Phone lighting Costume Ideas  As a group we decided we wanted them to wear everyday clothes however mould what they would usually wear to fit their character slightly. Jessica – well dressed, proper, jack wills Sophia  – dressed younger, all in white to symbolise vulnerability Emma – sensible, warm Tessa – trying to dress older than she is Billie – just very casual, what she would normally wear on an everyday basis, jeans and a t shirt Prop Ideas  We didn’t want to use many props as we wanted the beginning two minutes

Using Mise En Scene to Create Genres Stills

Using Mise En Scene To Create Genre still Comedy -  Fantasy - Horror -  Romance -  Science-fiction -  Teen film -