Group task - Creating Character

Creating Character 

Jessica is the popular member of the group, and comes across as very proper. She is likeable and holds an influence over the rest of the group.


Billie is the comic relief of the group and is quite edgy. She is quite excitable and sometimes over-exaggerates her expressions.


Tessa is Sophia's older sister and is not as cool as the rest of the group. She is trying to seen as older by the others. She gets quite worried about her sister.


Emma is the clever, geeky person of the group. She is shown to be the sensible member of the group and is far more serious than the others.


Sophia is Tessa's younger sister. She follows her sister in going out but turns up at the wrong cemetery. She is shown to be quite innocent, especially compared to the others. She doesn't necessarily recognise the dangers around her.


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