Recreating a Love Actually scene

Recreating a Love Actually scene


Firstly i decided to keep the mise-en-scene very similar to the real scene in Love Actually therefore all cast costume was smart; the prime minister and Terrence were in suits and Annie, Pat and Natalie were in smart clothes. Again i wanted the character expression and movement, make up and setting very similar to how it was in the original scene as i believe if any element were different to the original scene it would alter the narrative. The lighting was hard to construct as for half of the filming i used natural lighting and for the second half we had to use the remaining natural light and then introduce some artificial light which did not work as well as planned as you could clearly see where the light was pointing at. In the future i would try and find better ways of artificial lighting rather than a torch or asses my shot choices. I wanted to include an invisible shot to a more cinematic approach as in the original the shots are very simple such as shot reverse shot. you can clearly hear all dialogue however there is some background noise such as the washing machine which i will need to consider making my final film.

Firstly the greatest challenge i faced was casting, to cast one or two people comes as a challenge already let alone five people. I also wanted to try and get the ages of the cast similar to the cast in the love actually scene as close as possible.


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