Improvements to film idea from feedback

Improvements to film idea

  • Time --> The man might have to take his pill at 9 everyday but takes it at 11 one day and Instead of going from the good to the bad quite drastically, i could possibly build it up by the man going on a run doing his normal routine and then he sees a corpse for a split second, then a shot of his face and then the shot goes back to where the corpse was but its gone. Then the next day he could decide not to take it and he has the major nightmare where everything goes wrong and he is finally able to see what is happening in reality that the pill just suppresses him from seeing what is happening in real life 
  • i could possibly shoot a scene where we see what is happening through the mans eyes but then cross cut it with what is reality
  • Do original idea however at the end go back to the shot of boy taking pill as if to show that is what will happen if he does not take the pill  
The updated idea:


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